
Best Fashion Inventory Software For Apparel Brands

Expert Reviewed
Our inventory experts wrote this post for accurate information and guidance.
August 27, 2024
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Post Summary:
Here is the list of the best fashion inventory software for apparel brands in 2024.

In this fast-paced world of fashion retail, inventory management is a critical task. It's a complex process that requires precision, efficiency, and real-time data. Enter fashion inventory software. This tool is designed to streamline inventory management in the fashion industry. It's more than just a digital ledger for your stock.

Fashion inventory software offers features tailored to the unique needs of fashion retailers. From tracking size and colour variations to managing seasonal trends, it's a game-changer for D2C apparel inventory management.

So many options available, how do you choose the best fashion inventory software? What features should you look for? How can it impact your bottom line?

We share answers to these questions, providing the entire process to selecting the best fashion inventory software for your business and why Prediko meets the demands of a modern fashion D2C brand.

Important features of a fashion inventory software

Fashion inventory software are specialised tools designed for the fashion retail industry. It's not just a digital spreadsheet that is used for tracking stock. A complete solution that addresses the unique challenges of managing clothing. The right software can significantly improve efficiency and accuracy in inventory management.

Prediko stands out as a fashion inventory software with these features:

  • Real-time tracking of inventory across multiple locations and channels:
    This feature ensures that you always have up-to-date information about your stock levels, no matter where it is located. Prediko takes real-time tracking further by providing seamless integration with Shopify and visibility of stock levels across all retail locations and online channels. This helps prevent stockouts and overstock, optimising inventory turnover ratio.
real time sync Shopify
  • Management of size and colour variations: Effective inventory software can accurately track and manage inventory based on different sizes and colours, crucial for the fashion industry. Prediko's inventory management system specifically tracks size and colour variations accurately, ensuring you have the right stock information for each product variant.
group by SKU & product
  • Integration with sales and supply chain systems: Seamless integration with existing POS systems, eCommerce platforms, and supply chain systems is essential for unified inventory management. Prediko has integration with ShipHero, Bundles.App, Faire (through third party app), Etsy (through third party app)

  • Data analytics for informed decision-making: Advanced data analytics helps retailers make data-driven decisions to optimise inventory.
    Prediko's advanced analytics not only provides valuable insights but also enables informed decision-making to enhance inventory management and operational efficiency.
performance and analytics
  • Scalability to accommodate business growth: Scalability is crucial as your business grows, allowing the software to handle increasing inventory volumes and complexity.
    Prediko supports your business growth by scaling with your needs.  When a business grows, the number of SKUs also grows.
buying table
  • User-friendly interface and support: Prediko offers intuitive navigation, clear instructions, and responsive customer service, significantly easing the adoption of new software.

When you install Prediko from the Shopify App store for business with a lot of SKUs, you are able to easily maintain the inventory for those SKUs.

Evaluating and comparing the best fashion inventory software

Choosing right fashion inventory software is a critical decision for any fashion retailer. It's not just about the cost, but also about the features, usability, and benefits that the software can bring to your business.

Software Description
Oracle NetSuite ERP With the basic plan of just ₹14,999 Per Organization for a month, Oracle NetSuite ERP is cost-effective and robust. It's well-suited for fashion industry inventory management.
Horizon ERP Based on 25 verified reviews from users, Horizon ERP offers comprehensive features for managing fashion inventory. It's known for its user-friendly interface and reliability.
MARG ERP 9+ Inventory Management Start your Fashion industry journey with MARG ERP 9+. It is a versatile software that adapts to your business needs, making inventory management seamless.
Shop Lite Inventory Management Software for Fashion industry, Shop Lite, is known for its simplicity and efficiency. Ideal for small to medium-sized fashion retailers.
inFlow Inventory As per 5 verified reviews from users, inFlow Inventory provides robust features for managing fashion inventory, from stock tracking to order management.

Impact of fashion inventory software on business outcomes

Implementation of fashion inventory software can have a profound impact on your business outcomes.

Cost reduction and profit maximization

One of the key benefits of fashion inventory software is cost reduction. By automating and optimizing inventory management process, Prediko significantly reduces labour costs and manual errors.

Prediko helps in identifying slow-moving items and dead stock, enabling you to implement effective markdown strategies and free up valuable storage space. Ultimately, these cost savings can translate into profit maximisation. By reducing costs and increasing sales, Prediko significantly enhances your bottom line.

Case study: Cloudsharks

Cloudsharks, a dynamic footwear brand, experienced substantial growth by leveraging Prediko. Before implementing Prediko, Cloudsharks faced frequent stockouts and overstock issues, leading to lost sales and high carrying costs.

With Prediko's real-time inventory tracking and advanced analytics, Cloudsharks optimized their stock levels, reduced excess inventory by 30%, and increased their sales by 20% in the first year of implementation.

Data-driven decision making and forecasting

Fashion inventory software can also facilitate data-driven decision making. Prediko provides real-time inventory data and reporting, offering valuable insights into your inventory performance. These insights can guide your purchasing, pricing, and merchandising decisions, ensuring alignment with market demand and trends. Prediko also helps you identify opportunities for improvement and growth.

Case study: We are Jolies

We are Jolies, a sustainable fashion brand, utilized Prediko to transform their inventory management. Prior to Prediko, We are Jolies struggled with inaccurate inventory data, leading to inefficient ordering and frequent stockouts. By implementing Prediko's integrated inventory system, they achieved a 25% reduction in stockouts and a 15% increase in inventory turnover. Additionally, Prediko's forecasting tools helped We are Jolies align their inventory with market demand, resulting in a 10% increase in sales.

Integrations with sales channels and supply chain

Integration capabilities are another crucial feature to consider. Prediko seamlessly integrates with your sales channels such as Shopify and WMS systems such as ShipHero.

This integration provides unified view of your inventory, sales, and supply chain data. It enables you to align your inventory with your sales and marketing campaigns, ensuring product availability where and when it's needed.

Moreover, integration with supply chain systems can enhance your inventory accuracy and efficiency. Prediko automates updating of stock levels based on incoming shipments, reducing manual errors and inefficiencies.

Security and Compliance

Security is a paramount concern in today's digital age. Your inventory data is sensitive and valuable, and it's crucial to protect it from unauthorised access and breaches.

Prediko ensures robust security measures, including data encryption, user access controls, and regular security audits. Prediko complies with industry regulations and standards, such as GDPR for data privacy, and supports compliance with fashion industry regulations, such as product safety standards and labelling requirements.

The future of fashion inventory management is promising, with advancements in technology continually enhancing the capabilities of inventory software. Prediko wants to stay ahead of the curve by leveraging AI and machine learning for predictive analytics.

Get your inventory ready for Black Friday & Cyber Monday 🛒
Prediko helps Shopify brands streamline their inventory management and operations.

Get your inventory ready for the biggest sales season of the year.
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